The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Eresby Special School

Eresby Special School maintains a caring and happy atmosphere where pupils can feel safe and are encouraged to achieve their personal best. Enabling them to leave school as confident, happy and independent as possible.

Academy Information

We take pride in being a nurturing, innovative specialist educational setting where children are given the opportunities to flourish and achieve very best outcomes throughout their school life and beyond.

The Values Of School Are :

  • Kindness
  • Respect
  • Friendship

These were chosen by the children and underpin our whole school ethos.  We celebrate students demonstrating these values both in and out of school.  The values underpin behavioural expectations and create an environment where everyone is aligned, equipping students with a moral compass that guides them through their lives. 

Key Drivers

  • Communication
  • Independence
  • Preparation for next steps

The key drivers underpin the learning and experiences of our student's personalised learning journey and the curriculum delivery. They reflect the needs and outcomes of our students to facilitate their best possible future.


Eresby Special School supports the development of student’s knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to become as independent as possible to navigate daily life in school and life in their home and local community. Every student is unique, and the level of independence they are capable of achieving will vary; our safe, supportive, and nurturing environment provides the foundation to encourage our students to have the confidence needed to develop this independence. Underpinned by a child-centred approach we capture our student’s voices and encourage them to make informed choices. By working in partnership with parents/carers and other key professionals we actively encourage opportunities for children to develop personal responsibility, organisational skills, emotional literacy, social skills, resilience, problem solving skills, independent living skills and enterprise. When students are given opportunities to be independent and make decisions for themselves it boosts their self-confidence and makes them more likely to try out new things.


Communication is a fundamental skill to enable students to participate and achieve in all aspects of their lives, including the school curriculum and wider society, through having a ‘voice.’ We use a Total Communication approach which supports students to successfully access information, make their needs and wishes known, form interactions and engage in conversations. We use the right combination of methods and approaches for each student to maximise expression and understanding. Some of the methods typically used include Makaton, Picture Exchange Communication Systems, Core Boards, Eye Gaze Technology, Switches, Apps on electronic devices, as well as vocal sounds and speech. Communication is also enhanced through interventions such as Colourful Semantics, Lego Therapy, Thera Lego, Intensive Interaction, Rebound Therapy and Bucket Time activities all led by staff trained in these areas. We value working in partnership with parents/carers and other professionals to ensure a personalised consistent approach in supporting all students to achieve their full potential.

Preparation for next steps

We seek for our students to have the cultural capital they need to be active citizens of society. Through an ambitious curriculum we build on student’s interests and experiences, raise their aspirations, and provide new opportunities and experiences to challenge and increase their knowledge and skills, at whichever stage of their learning journey they are on. Our partnerships with local businesses and leisure facilities further enhance our student’s experiences and help to create a community that embraces diversity, promotes inclusion, and celebrates the unique abilities and potential of every individual. Our students learn about the world they live in and their roles and responsibilities in our community, and as part of a local and global society. Through the promotion of the British Values, students learn to understand the diverse nature of the world that they live in and advocate for their rights and responsibilities. This in turn helps students to be tolerant, respectful, and appreciative of the people they will interact with and be ready for their next steps in an everchanging world.



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