Eresby Curriculum
At Eresby we offer one curriculum delivered over three pathways. It is ambitious and aims to inspire students to reach for their goals. The curriculum is broad and balanced that is personalised to individual needs of the students. We believe that all children should have access to the national curriculum, so at Eresby we offer an inclusive curriculum. We strongly believe that additional needs should not be a reason to not challenge and inspire but more of a reason too.
Throughout our curriculum our three key drivers are embedded and are the foundation for everything we deliver. We are very passionate about communication and one of our key drivers is that every student should be supported to have a voice. Communication is a basic human right and essential, from expressing a basic need to answering a question about castles, to telling us a potential safeguarding issue.
Teaching and developing independence skills is another key driver for our students, this helps to promote individual liberty for our students. Not all our students are going to be able to live independent lives but if we can teach them how to hold a cup and take a drink or teach them how to load a fork, we can give them some level of independence in their lives. From as soon as they start our school, we are ambitious and start teaching and encouraging these skills in our everyday practices.
We also focus on preparation for adulthood to help support our students in their journey beyond school. We promote careers and social skills throughout all classes so that all students will encounter a wide range of community activities and work experiences. Students will be supported to become a valuable member of the school community and in the wider community. Students that are destined to be in employment will be encouraged to do so. We will also support students to develop skills needed to help them be as independent as possible as they prepare for their next steps.
Empowering staff is essential to maintain our outstanding standards. Entrusting them to contribute towards a world class education leads to effective child centre teamwork. We strongly believe we need to work with stakeholders to share practices, encouraging others to come into the school to further develop and support special needs. We embrace and use the skills set of others to achieve. Our staff learning from stakeholders is equally as important, we continue to develop our practices and teaching methods to adapt to the changing cohorts and individual needs.
We aim high and have clear, high expectation of both students and staff as this is important to providing outstanding education. We can support all students to reach their full potential whilst at Eresby. To achieve this our staff, know the students and their families, they have a deep knowledge and understanding of their needs and how it impacts on their lives. We always thrive to work in their interest of each student no matter their background. We are passionate about making a difference, we want pupils to achieve the unexpected. This is why we feel strongly about our students having access to a curriculum that is based on the national curriculum but set in pathways to suit the individual needs of each pupil.
Curriculum Implementation - Eresby Curriculum pathways
Willow Class - Early Years - The early years pathway follows the EYFS framework. There is a strong focus on learning and developing through play, providing opportunities for pupils to take part in activities that build on and extend their interests and develop their social, intellectual and emotional abilities. Opportunities are provided for learning in different environments, both indoors and outdoors, using a wide range of resources and equipment including specialised equipment and sensory provision to support pupil’s needs.
Cherry Class - Pre-formal Pathway - Years 2-9 The Pre-Formal pathway is designed to support the engagement and learning of pupils with profound and complex needs. The curriculum is based around the areas of communication and language, cognition and learning, sensory and physical, personal development and independence. There is a strong focus on encountering the local community and feeling part of the school and wider community. Pupils’ learning and experiences are supported by multi-sensory learning experiences, tailored interventions, specialised equipment and learning environments.
Holly Class - Semi-formal Pathway - Year 2-4 The semi- formal Pathway follows a curriculum which reflects the needs of the individual students. This includes developing their cognition and learning, communication and language, personal and independence skills, and also provides opportunities to feel part of and understand the wider community and world around them. Pupils have access to a breadth of experiences which support a holistic approach to learning. The pupils’ physical, health, social, emotional and communication needs are incorporated into the school day to support the individual needs alongside their EHCP plan.
Poplar Class - Formal Pathway - Years 2-6 The formal Pathway follows a curriculum focusing on Communication, independence skills, English, Maths, Science, PHSE, Art & DT, daily music and Understanding the world around us. It is delivered at a cognitive level linked to learner ability. Pupils who follow this pathway are working and progressing within the national curriculum framework but require more repetition and topic re-visitation. Although like a mainstream model, consideration is given to an adapted curriculum which considers individual needs and allows for significant sensory and therapeutic input as and when required. There is also a focus and opportunity to provide enrichment opportunities and tailored interventions as and when needed.
Pine Class -Semi-formal Pathway - Years 6-9 The semi- formal Pathway is follows the same model a follows a curriculum focus[1]sing on Communication, PSHE, English, Maths, science, daily music, understanding the world around us, daily music and Art and DT. Despite being like mainstream curriculum consideration is made to individual needs and allows for longitudinal learning, sensory input, repetition and overlearning. Significant time is given to further pupils social and emotional development, independence skills and preparation for the world of adulthood. Students will start to encounter opportunities and activities to support independence and transition into adulthood.
Cedar Class - Formal Pathway - Years 6-10 The formal Pathway follows a curriculum focusing on national curriculum subjects. It is delivered at a cognitive level linked to learner ability. Pupils who follow this pathway are working and progressing within the national curriculum framework but require more adaptation and topic re-visitation. Although similar to a mainstream model, consideration is given to an adapted curriculum which considers individual needs and allows for significant sensory and therapeutic input. Students on this pathway will be supported to continue to develop independence skills. They will also begin to encounter opportunities and activities linked to careers and potential work placements.
Maple Class -Pre-formal Pathway -Years 11-14 The pre-formal pathway of Maple class is a transition from Cherry class and is the engagement and learning of pupils with profound and complex needs. The curriculum is based around the areas of communication and language, cognition, and learning, sensory and physical, personal and independence. There continues to be a focus on the encountering the local community and feeling part of the school and wider community. Pupils’ learning and experiences are supported by multi-sensory learning experiences, tailored interventions and specialised equipment and learning environments are used to further enhance experiences.
Birch Class - Semi- formal Pathway - Years 9-14 The Semi- formal Pathway follows a curriculum focusing on Communication, preparation for adulthood and independence skills. Students will follow a timetable that include national curriculum subjects, but these will be delivered in practical activities that allows students to be able to relate skills to everyday life. Students will be supported to encounter activities and experiences that will enrich these skills to enable them to become as independent as possible. Sensory activities and experiences will also enhance the curriculum for students and tailored interventions will be delivered to further support students and their needs. Internal work placements are offered to allow students opportunities to encounter and develop independence and work skills. Within this pathway students will work towards internal accreditation.
Oak Class - Formal Pathway - Years 10-14 The formal, accredited pathway has a major focus on developing increasing levels of independence, focusing specifically on life skills and employability. Students will access and complete functional skills qualifications and Edexcel qualifications. We offer high quality ‘real-life and ‘real-world’ education including a wide range of work encounters and experiences. Students will be given opportunities to participate in enrichment opportunities such as competitions and enterprise activities. They will also help to support and run the school’s café and tuck shop.
British Values
The Trust is very supportive of the ethos of promoting British Values, and preparing our pupils for success in a modern Britain.
A heavy reliance is placed upon broadening horizons for each and every child and this includes developing the core skills of tolerance, respect, teamwork, resilience and building self esteem. These are all values and qualities that we feel are relevant in order to play a full and meaningful role in society, and are promoted in each class at Eresby School.
Click here to find out more about British Values at our academy
We have a daily reflection within our classes which allows students to share and reflect on achievements areas for improvement. To encourage the feeling of belonging to the greater school community we come together as a whole school. Termly we invite parents and carers to the celebration of achievements.