We offer a broad and exciting curriculum for pupils aged from two to nineteen.
All lessons are differentiated and planned to meet the wide range of needs of our pupils.
Pupils in class 1 follow the curriculum for Early Years Foundation Stage through a topic based creative curriculum.
Pupils in classes 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 (key stages 2 and 3) follow the national curriculum requirements, supported by extra curricular activities to develop independence, self care and self esteem.
Class 7 and 8 (key stage 4) pupils continue to study the core subjects of English, maths, science and computing. Functional and communication skills are developed in line with each student's needs. Vocational and life skills are introduced following Edexcel externally accredited courses.
Class 9 (post 16) pupils develop skills learnt in class 7 and 8 developing functional and communication skills and computing. Vocational and life skills are developed further following Edexcel externally accredited courses. The focus is for students to be supported to become as independent as possible in preparation for moving to adulthood.
For further information about the curriculum followed at Eresby School please contact us.
View Our Curriculum Philosophy
At Eresby, we teach maths skills that will support our pupils in their independent lives beyond the classroom. We teach number recognition using practical resources such as Numicon. We teach pupils to solve problems using practical resources that they can apply to the real world. We explore 2D and 3D shapes using real objects, encouraging pupils to recognise shapes around them. We teach measurement skills through practical tasks that can be applied to the real world, such as cooking and baking. At Eresby, we teach maths to a level that challenges the individual pupil to take the next step on their learning journey. Pupils enjoy maths lessons at school and learn valuable skills that they can use in their lives beyond school.
We believe that a quality Literacy (English) curriculum should develop students’ love of reading, writing and communication. We inspire an appreciation of varied literary material and to develop a habit of reading widely and often. We recognise the importance of fostering an environment where children take pride in their development of handwriting skills. We support students to develop their confidence through speaking and listening to ensure students have opportunity to develop a functional communication method. We believe that supporting the development of these key skills will help to prepare and equip our students with the skills needed to prepare them for their next steps in their lives.
Our school aims to adapt a total communication approach throughout the school where pupils have access to their own means of communication throughout the day and are supported and encouraged to use it. We aim to develop means of communication appropriate to each child's individual needs to ensure all students have a functional method of communication. To support our aims we create opportunities throughout the curriculum to enable each child to communicate to the best of their ability.
We encourage and develop unaided communication methods such as speech, gesture, eye contact as well as reading and understanding facial expressions and body language.
We also recognise the importance of and develop aided communication methods such as Makaton, Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECS), symbol aided communication and photo aided communication and use of AAC.
The school works with closely with the speech and language therapist to produce individual plans and targets.
At Eresby, we recognise the exciting role that technology has in the modern world. We teach our students to access technology at a level best suited for them. Some students access technology by accessing switches, developing their awareness of cause and effect. Some students learn to use touch screen technology, making choices and exploring the effect that their input has. Other pupils learn to use a mouse and keyboard. They make choices when designing word documents, explore graphic designs in paint packages and learn coding skills with interactive tasks. We are keen for students to be as independent as possible in computing. In Class 7 and Class 8, students are able to sit an Entry Level Functional Skills qualification to gain accreditation for their skills.
Underpinning our whole approach to teaching computing is internet safety. In every lesson, students will discuss internet safety at a level that is appropriate for them. We teach our students to recognise when they may be in danger online, including safety rules. Pupils learn the importance of not sharing personal information, as well as rules related to strangers online. We believe it is essential that students know who to talk to if they are worried by anything they experience online. They are taught to tell a trusted adult, such as a parent, teacher or family member.
RE is an important subject within our curriculum which enables our students to gain knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Pupils will be given the opportunity to explore religious beliefs and philosophies which reflect modern society. They will learn about religious celebrations and festivals, traditions, and the influences on daily life.
In Early Years, RE is taught through Knowledge and Understanding of the world. In KS1 students will learn about and develop an awareness of the world around them.
KS2/3, students learn and discover about the role in religions in society today. They will make comparisons between different religions and reflect on their own values. KS4/ KS5 examine religious systems/beliefs in more depth and their connections with modern day issues. Where possible RE will be intertwined across the curriculum to promote an understanding of religious and secular beliefs in modern society.
Physical Development
We believe that physical education, experienced in a safe and supportive environment, is vital and unique in its contribution to our students' physical and emotional development and health. The physical education curriculum aims to increase students self confidence through an ability to manage themselves successfully in a variety of situations. Outdoor education is an integral part of physical education across the Key Stages.
- To develop an ability to plan a range of movement sequences, organise equipment and apparatus, and begin to design and apply simple rules.
- To develop an ability to remember, adapt and apply knowledge, practical skills and concepts in a variety of movement based activities.
- To promote positive attitudes towards health, hygiene and fitness.
- To develop psyco-motor skills through a range of relevant movement based activities.
- To develop a sense of fair play and sportsmanship.
- To develop communication skills, encouraging the use of correct terminology, to promote effective co-operation.
- To foster enjoyment, and positive attitude to the subject in school.
- To enable students where possible to work towards independence and to communicate positively towards others.
- To give our students the opportunity to try new activities, develop new skills and grow in confidence.
We are also extremely lucky to have an outside bike track and a wide range of bikes accessible to all our pupils, which is used by students at playtimes and during certain lessons.
The benefits of cycling are:
- Crucial for physical and mental health
- Healthy Body
- Fun way to exercise
- Breathing and blood circulation
- The digestive system and quality sleep
- Trunk control and balance
- Cognitive Development
- Visual Perception
- Social acceptance
To enable PE to be accessible for all pupils including PMLD students many activities and sports are adapted, a program is in place across the school and the school pool is in constant use for hydrotherapy sessions. We also look at developing physical wellbeing for students with PMLD, which include activities such as aromatherapy and didgeridoo therapy.
The school participates in a number of sporting competitions such as rounders and athletics against other schools as well and organising charity challenges.
Other Subjects
Alongside the core subjects we deliver a range of topics to support the curriculum offer. Covering subjects such as science, Design Technology, Art, PSHE/ RSE and topics to further support the understanding of the world around us. Personal development and life skills opportunities are implemented throughout the curriculum to ensure all pupils achieve.
In Key Stages 4 and 5 the main focus of the curriculum delivered is in preparation for adulthood. This incorporates links to employability skills, general life skills, numeracy and literacy all accredited through Pearson / Edexcel Skills for Independence and Work qualification at Entry Level 1-3.
The Units of study may include:
- Personal Safety in the Home and Community
- Healthy Living
- Environmental Awareness
- Personal Safety in the Community
- Shopping for daily living
- Hygiene and Safety in the Kitchen
- Cleaning, Washing, Drying and Storing Laundry
- Healthy Living
- Managing own money
- Personal Skin care
- Personal Hand Care
- Personal Hair Care
- Food Preparation and Cooking at Home
- Growing Plants
- Helping to Maintain a Garden
- Producing a Product
- Participating in Sport in the Local Community
- Participating in an Enterprise Activity
- Using and Maintaining Hand Tools for Gardening
- Recycling and Managing Packaging and Waste
- Exploring Art
- Exploring Music
- Basic Food Preparation
- Horticulture : Introduction to Pruning Trees and Shrubs
- Taking Part in Sport
- Taking Part in Exercise and Fitness Activities
- Planning an Enterprise Activity
- Running an Enterprise Activity
These units build up credits that can amount to qualifications from a basic Award up to a Diploma (Entry Level 1-3). These qualifications are accessible for all level of learners however for the higher achieving pupils we stretch them through Level 1.
Functional Skills
Accreditation through Pearson / Edexcel at levels entry 1 to level 1 is offered in English, Maths and computing.
Science accredited through Pearson / Edexcel is also offered at entry 1-3.
British Values
The Trust is very supportive of the ethos of promoting British Values, and preparing our pupils for success in a modern Britain.
A heavy reliance is placed upon broadening horizons for each and every child and this includes developing the core skills of tolerance, respect, teamwork, resilience and building self esteem. These are all values and qualities that we feel are relevant in order to play a full and meaningful role in society, and are promoted in each class at Eresby School.
Click here to find out more about British Values at our academy
During assemblies’ pupils show work and receive awards. Each day pupils will go round the hall and share experiences and achievement they have had during that day. It provides opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge successes. We listen to music at the beginning and end of each assembly to allow pupils some quiet reflection time before going home.