The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Eresby Special School

Eresby Special School maintains a caring and happy atmosphere where pupils can feel safe and are encouraged to achieve their personal best. Enabling them to leave school as confident, happy and independent as possible.


Special educational needs and disability (SEND)

1. What does your school offer children with Special Educational needs and/ or a learning disability?

The Eresby School is a special academy in Spilsby, Lincolnshire for children with a range of Special Educational Needs aged 2 to 19 years, including Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD), Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD), Autism (ASD), Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD) and associated difficulties.

Eresby School is an Ofsted rated Outstanding school, where "The school is a warm and friendly community.  Pupils and parents value the 'family-orientated' feeling within the school.  Relationships between pupils and staff are exceptionally positive and trusting" (Ofsted 2020).


2. What specialist expertise/facilities does your school have?

At Eresby School we provide a positive learning environment that is happy, safe, stimulating and successful.

All personal care needs are met by each class team and all staff are trained in moving and handling procedures, we pride ourselves on how we maintain dignity of a child's health and care needs.

Eresby School promotes positive working partnerships with parents, carers and external agencies, and offers an integrated team working approach with NHS colleagues (Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy), and multi-sensory impaired service. We work in a multidisciplinary way to attend to the holistic needs of our young people and to support our children's families.

Enhanced provision includes:

  • Specialised learning strategies such as Rebound Therapy
  • Medical support for pupils in class delivered by trained staff
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Physiotherapy-follow individual programmes
  • Eye gaze technology
  • Own school kitchen offering hot meals tailored to individual needs
  • Support delivery of specialist interventions in communication,
  • In-house moving and handling trainer
  • All staff are trained in Team Teach de-escalation and positive handling
  • Links to family support groups
  • Reward and recognition systems
  • Links to post 16/19 providers
  • 1:1 intervention in core curriculum

Specialist facilities include:

  • All accessible classrooms
  • Sensory room, hydrotherapy pool, computer suite, life skills facility, library
  • Hygiene suites, hoists, multi functional rooms e.g. therapy and medical room
  • Meeting room, parents meeting room 
  • Early year’s provision with outdoor learning area.
  • Post 14 common room and classroom.
  • Bike track and specialist bikes.
  • All class rooms have interactive white boards and computers
  • Playground and playing field
  • Access to outdoor learning from classrooms
  • Horticulture area with polytunnel
  • Sensory garden
  • Minibus -staff are MIDAS trained so they can drive the minibus to enable community experiences to be accessed easily

3. How will the school allocate the specialist expertise and personalised support for my child?

Each child is treated as an individual at The Eresby School and their schooling and education is built around their needs. Regular assessment of those needs, wishes and aspirations takes place. Personalised support is achieved through getting to know the child very well, and gaining their respect and trust in the first instance; from that point specific approaches, targets and curriculum pathways are determined that are regularly discussed and reviewed. In close partnership with parents and carers, the young person and whatever other service may be involved (health, social care etc) we will match personalised support to the young person. Classroom staff undertake specialist training to ensure they are appropriately skilled to care for the child with complex medical needs. Therapy is allocated dependent on need and may involve blocks of direct input from a therapist, or a therapy assistant as required provided by the NHS. Each young person also has an IEP (Individual Education Plan) defining their learning needs. These are shared with the young people and their parents and open for comments / changes and reviewed by Teachers termly.

4. What additional training and expertise does your staff have to meet my child’s needs?

The Eresby School has a staff team of highly experienced and skilled people. Our staff at school are our strength. Staff have continuing professional development around the areas of teaching students with special needs, including Autism and working with pupils with profound learning needs. Staff are trained in first aid, safeguarding, mental health first aid, moving and handling, rebound therapy, ATPRA pool therapy, lego therapy and Team Teach. Staff have regular Makaton training and updates. Staff are trained to meet any medical needs the young people may have – including first aid, diabetes, gastronomy feeds, epilepsy, ventilation and suctioning. Specific training is given around individual pupils’ needs. We are constantly looking into new /alternative practices to enhance our pupils learning experiences.  

5. What support will there be to ensure my child’s emotional health and well being?

Eresby School is a small school with small class groups; therefore everyone knows everyone and pupils are comfortable to talk to staff members. Pupil voice is gained through regular school council meetings. 

Behaviour Support Plans and guidance for supporting children and young people with behavioural needs or challenges are in place and reviewed regularly. The school adopts a de-escalation approach to behaviour and would only restrain in the most extreme of occasions.

Attendance is regularly reviewed and issues / concerns discussed with parents and the young person. Where there may be signs that attendance is becoming challenging a meeting at school with the Principal, Claire Hutchinson will be arranged to support the pupil and family through the challenge.

At Eresby School we aim to promote positive mental health and wellbeing in a supportive environment. We help our children to build emotional resilience to develop their social skills, to develop their confidence and self-esteem and ensure our children feel valued. Designated mental health first aiders work across the school and are trained to listen, reassure and respond to mental health challenges.

Pupils are selected to attend SEND wellbeing events to help promote self-esteem and build relationships with other pupils and schools.

Bullying is not tolerated in any form at our school and should concerns be raised the issues are dealt with sensitively.

6. Who provides the provision and support for my child in school?

Class teachers are the main contact for day to day issues and challenges, supported by class staff, senior leadership team and the Principal. The class teacher will plan, oversee and review all work for your child, they will set targets and monitor them over the course of the school year, with data entered into the school systems.

7. Who will be involved in delivering, monitoring and reviewing our Educational, Health and Care plan?

The Principal and class teacher will be responsible for delivering and monitoring the EHC plan alongside health and social care professionals. It will be built around the needs of the child, monitoring and evaluation will be ongoing as the child/young persons needs change.

8. How will my child be involved in the process and be able to contribute their views?

Pupils are at the centre of everything we do at Eresby, we are determined ensure they develop to the best of their ability.  The pupils have their own voice through; person centred planning sessions, informal discussions and school council. Pupils with profound learning needs may have their” voice” listened to through interpretation by key staff who know them well, or from close observation of them in different experiences.  Augmentative alternative communication methods are used to assist pupils to have a voice where appropriate with the use of eye gaze technology and iPads as appropriate.

9. How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

Students will be placed on a pathway according to their needs.  For further information please refer to the Curriculum page.  

10. What opportunities will there be for me to discuss my child’s attainment and achievement? How will I know how well my child is progressing?

Personal progress and achievement is at the centre of all we do. Communication in the form of home school diaries, emails and telephone calls take place throughout the year between the school and parents. In addition review meetings, and parents meetings give opportunities to discuss progress of each pupil with their Parents/Carers.  Annual reports are issued at the end of each academic year.

11. How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?
(n.b the DDA Reasonable Adjustments legislation expects schools/academies to be anticipatory in respect of school activities and trips)

Enrichment activities includes theatre experiences, culture weeks, trips out in the local community, lunch time clubs, music specialists, sporting activities and workshops within school. As a fully inclusive school, all children participate in whole school, curriculum and off-site activities, the extent to which each child participates and the levels of support received will vary between children, but we adapt the activities and expectations to enable all pupils to benefit. Class groups attend off-site activities that support their learning and give new experiences.

12. How accessible is the school environment? How accessible is the school curriculum?

The Eresby School is fully accessible to wheelchairs with fully equipped hygiene suites and hoists available. Specialist equipment is used across the school including iPads, touch screens and communication aids as well as specialist areas such as sensory room and hydropool.

The curriculum is adapted to meet the individual needs of all pupils.

13. How will the school prepare and support my child to join the school?

Pupils and their parents are invited to visit the school. They will be shown around the school, meet all the school community and share the ethos of the school. Transition opportunities will be discussed with the Principal, and planned as appropriate to best meet the needs of the young person.

14. How will the school prepare and support my child to transfer to a new setting/college?

Within the Post 14 curriculum all students will visit a range of further education and/or care settings depending on their needs.  Transition and change will be carefully managed, allowing parents and pupils to build up the information and skills to move on to the next stage of their journey. Regular discussions about “transitions” occur at the annual review of the young persons EHC plan. Other services and groups will be involved where appropriate.

15. How can I be involved in supporting my child?

We believe Parents/Carers are the main partners in the achievement of our pupils in school. We welcome your involvement in meetings and projects at home, reading with your child, sharing a book and taking responsibility for therapies at home. We encourage sharing information and achievements and keeping us informed in any changes in the young persons life, medication etc. We have a home school diary in which you are welcome to write in what the young person has been doing and achieving. We also welcome you to school performances and events including termly parents assemblies and family days.

16. How can I access support for myself and my family?

Parents are encouraged to use the website below to start to explore what may be available to them. We are also happy to answer any questions you may have or be able to signpost some of the options you may have.

17. Who can I contact for further information?

Claire Hutchinson (Principal) 
01790 752441 

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